A Case Study of Some of Our Communications Training Work

Training is an integral part of what we offer, and has resulted in us establishing The Hotwire Academy, a dedicated communications training business. Our Vision is to be the creative and communications sector training provider of choice in Botswana and the region. We are honoured to have trained Public Relations Officers across Government Ministries through the eGov project.

The Brief:

As part of the strategy development and implementation for the rollout of the eGov project, project managed by KPMG, it was important that all Public Relations Officers (PROs) across Government’s Ministries, tasked with helping deliver the communications component, were aligned on messaging and how to bring the plan to life. KPMG asked us to train and coach all 26 PROs to ensure all were confident, prepared and ready to speak to and about the transformational project.

What We Did:

We held a 2-day offsite workshop session with both theoretical and and practical components to cover core components of the initiative. This included training over 30 PROs on how to develop and deliver messaging, how to speak confidently on behalf of the workstream, understanding the media landscape, and content to support and queries or situations which may arise. 

The Result:

The session was incredibly successful, with attendees having found it both enjoyable and informative.  The project team were pleased with the outcome and we continue to hear positive feedback from PROs who participated on how the tips shared and lessons learned continue to inform their day to day jobs to date.

Below are pictures from the project.

Client and/or Stakeholder Testimonial

“KPMG was appointed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications to provide professional services for e-Government Programme Management.” To assist in delivering this, KPMG subcontracted Hotwire PRC to assist with various aspects of the project. Hotwire facilitated a 2 day workshop, coaching in excess of 30 PROS. Present were also Government Spokesperson, Dr. Jeff Ramsay and the eGov Coordinator, Dr. O.C. Kereteletswe.” – Kabelo Moyo (KPMG)

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